Best VR Headset? Here's Your Verdict!
While we're still in the US, we got inspired to ask you a question on our Facebook page to see which is the best VR headset according to your opinion. You overwhlemed us with about 1300 responses. Wow!
We gave you 3 options to vote for - HTC Vive, Oculus Rift, and PSVR. And here are the results:
PSVR got 6 votes. Oculus Rift doubled that and added one more for 13 votes. HTC Vive did just a little bit better... with 1200+ votes.
While we love pretty much every VR headset out there, we have to agree with you - the HTC Vive is a huge step ahead of the competition. It has room-scale and it offers the most immersive and realistic controls of all the headsets available at the moment. And we're sure it's going to get even better when it becomes wireless (we're also working on that), and with new and improved controllers.
Thank you for voting! Your voice was heard loud and clear!
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